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Stuff We Fight About Cards

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  • Inspired by the gap that exists across many relationships—one of unmet expectations, unfulfilled hopes, and a failure to communicate—Stuff We Fight About invites couples to express their preferences, pet peeves, assumptions, and major life goals in a safe and low-pressure context.
  • By engaging in these vital conversations instead of pushing their differences under the rug, couples will preempt any fights before they happen and will fortify their relationship—whether dating, engaged, or married—and gain the added benefit of being more fully known and loved.
  • With 125 beautifully designed cards, this unique deck offers couples a helpful catalyst for conversations in five categories, with prompts such as: Day to Day: What are your usual routines when waking up and getting ready for bed? Pet Peeves: How do you squeeze the toothpaste onto your toothbrush?
  • Big Ones: How was money talked about in your home as a kid?
  • Holidays: What is a family
  • Author - Short: Dake, Jeniffer Pages (actual): 125